I lost my 4th baby...

Kelsey • 20 | 💍 3/2/18 | 🐶 8/16/15 | 🐱 6/15/17

I’ve been pregnant from a rape every year since I was 16, and lost the baby every time. This time, I’m 19 and got pregnant with my boyfriends baby, my 4th pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, i was already 6 weeks in and didn’t even realize. Yesterday I went to an appointment and the doctor said something seemed off. Come to find out, I lost another baby, and now told I’m infertile. During my first pregnancy, I had to have an emergency c-section at 4 weeks because the baby had died and I couldn’t push it out, during my second pregnancy, my cervix was incompetent and during my third, I had uterine rupture.