I just need to express how frustrated I am about this


On Friday, during JROTC PT, my knee gave out and I collapsed on top of it, got back up, and continued to run. (I know, mistake #1) I couldn't walk the rest of the day, so the next day, I went to the hospital. They said it was too swollen and stuff to do tests on my ligaments and tendons, which isn't their fault but still kinda pesky. So they said to treat it as a sprain, and stay off it at a times. Which I've been doing. Now its Tuesday, I have an appointment next Tuesday (the 10th) and their talking about possible surgery because they think I snapped a ligament or a tendon or something and you know what im not okay. I'm a runner. This injury, caused by a simple misstep, has cost me any possible chance of a scholarship and I'm not okay with that, not one bit. Anyway, that's that