
I was talking to this guy he asked for my number so i gave it to him, we were only talking for like.. 2 weeks i think? And so yesterday he texted me in the morning and says "just woke up to my girl going through my phone 😐" "block this number **** trust me"

Like excuse me??? 1. Bye

2. I did not know he was in a relationship like wtf???

So i blocked her number and stopped talking to him but now she keeps calling me from other unknown numbers, i dont want the drama this is crazy. We literally never did anything let alone hook up so im done with the drama. I didnt need this nonsense 😂 i dont feel like i did anything wrong, as soon as i found out he has a girlfriend i stopped talking to him so wtf?? Lol help please

EDIT*** I appreciate the advice so far, but shes called like 6 times throughout the day today, its really irritating and i feel reallyyy awkward answering and being like hey i didnt know, ya know? She's probably going to be belligerent and scream since she feels the need to call so much even though im not answering.. and everytime i get a call the caller ID says "unknown" or "No Caller ID" 🙁

Oh and i texted him telling him hes an asshole and to let her know i didnt know about her so she can chill out and get off my ass an on his, you know what he says? That he told her i knew and it seemed like a good idea and now hes fucked.

Like yeah you are, thanks. So now idek if she'd believe me if i told her.-----

UPDATE-- she seemed to keep calling me so i texted him pissed and so i finally just texted her asking why she keeps calling me, she claims she only called from her phone once and just wanted to hear the truth of what went on from me, so i told her everythingggg and she's actually really nice i feel bad for her!


Im so upset and wanted to update everyone on the craziest shit of my life.. so after all the texting with her we were friends and going to get coffee at some point when we both had time. She has a two year old daughter, and i have my own career things. So i hadnt heard from dickface until he texted me last week asking to meet up and how hes got a lot he needs to talk to someone about, so i said okay but ill just meet you outside your work. We met up for him to inform me how Amanda(the ex girlfriend) was in a COMA.... i guess he went to pick up a box delivered to her house and he couldnt get inside but saw from the window she was face down on the floor, so he called 911, they thought it was insulin induced? Except all her levels were fine.. i texted him yesterday asking what was going on and Amanda passed on Sunday. IM SO UPSET I FEEL SO SHITTY. I WAS THE OTHER WOMEN AND DIDNT KNOW AND NOW THIS WOMEN IS DEAD AND LEFT BEHIND A TWO YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL IM SO MUCH IN MY FEELS RIGHT NOW