Petty or no??

I feel like my boyfriend expects that I'll always be there no matter what. We live about 3 hours apart and we text everyday and FaceTime almost every night when we're not together. But I feel like he thinks he can go do whatever that makes it so we can't talk but when he comes back he expects that I'll be there waiting for him. If I don't answer, then when I do talk to him, he wants to know why, what was I doing, etc bc "if I were calling him, he'd answer no matter what" which is not exactly true.

Ex. He's in a position right now where he can't call me or text. That's fine, I'm not tripping over it. But I know when he gets back he'll expect me to answer and be available to talk as soon as he calls. I'm contemplating not answering just to prove a point. I want him to be there for me when I need him too and not just when it's best for him. I work, I go to school, I have a social life, I'm not always waiting by the phone for him. Is it petty to ignore his call?

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