I need to vent


Ok y'all. I need to vent somewhere anonymously. We recently moved to a new state. Where we were before we had it GOOD! My husband was making good money, we had a beautiful house, I had a job I loved even though the pay wasn't great. We were debt free and saving for the next step (buying a home someday). But my husband was miserable at his job. We decided to move and try something new before we were tied down with a mortgage. Fast forward to September and we blew through our savings, are back in debt and my husband FINALLY has a job he's happy at. Our new home is decent but a major step down but at least he's happy, right?

So as I've been making the house a home and unpacking he's been at work. He's expressed a few times I need a job to get things back on track (I agree but want to be more settled first and all our bills are getting paid so why not take my time looking like he did). So today I finally went to apply for a job in a male dominated field and they were super interest (weird cuz other than being drug free and willing to work I have zero qualifications. However the woman owner liked me and is willing to train me. It pays bank, and comes with benefits, and most importantly it has potential to be an actual career. So naturally I'm pumped!

My husband called complaining I was gone too long and he invited company over so I needed to hurry home to entertain (y'all he's suppose to be working). Get home & I tell him about the application process and that they seem really interested in an interview and he seems almost annoyed that I could actually get the job. Yet, he complained that I didn't have a job and needed to hurry and find one so we'd be more financially sound!!! This would double our income and give us insurance and would pay into my retirement!!

Wtf is the problem here?!? I'm going Crazy! Is he just insecure about me working with me? Or me making almost the exact same as him? I feel so alone