Moving intogether


update: we were fooling around on the couch and i said if we get a roommate we cant do this. he goes we cant? i said no. so since then its been the our room and the girl's room. so we decided to move intogether since I'm staying at his place the whole time and paying rent for my 2 dogs to have my place to themselves. We filled out the paperwork and everything Monday. putting down the pet deposit on the 13th. Then his friends mom that kinda raised him for awhile was messaging him yesterday. She got out of a relationship recently and is trying to start over. Well tonight I come home from work and he tells me the weekend of the 13th he needs me to stay at my place all weekend since she'll be down. I said ok. he then said if she moved in rent would be $270 each and I could have my own room and she could have her own room the girls toddler beds would be in the closet and when they came over twice a week they would sleep on the floor with him. and during the week he would sleep on the floor. am I overthinking this? 2 bedroom place "his mom", him, me, 2 big dogs and his girls on the weekends. what would you do if you were in my shoes?