Just needing to vent!

(Takes deep breath)

So, I just relocated to a new state with my bf for a better work opportunity he was presented with. I was so reluctant at first because one, I had just relocated 2 years prior. Two, I’ve only been with my bf for 1yr and 1/2 and three, I have a 5yr old from a previous relationship. So I felt like it was too much for him to ask of me with me just being his girlfriend. He was adamant about wanting both my son and I to go with and knew if I stayed behind I would always wonder what if. So after months and months of the back and forth, I decided to move and now I’m even further away from my family. Now, I’m in this state with no friends, no family and he had to leave me for work. He’s going to be gone for 2 months, but can come home every 3 weeks. I’m frustrated about that. On top of the fact that I haven’t started working yet so I’m depending on him heavily ANNND my son’s father helps out very little with our child. I’m just so overwhelmed and starting to feel like I may have made a mistake.