been on my mind .. ttc?

hi guys so this has been on my mind so much recently. one of my best friends parents have been ttc for almost 3 years now. today a friend from my high school posted about how she’s pregnant and hates that she got pregnant at this time and can’t believe the guy finished in her and lied blah blah. and she’s still using while pregnant , drinking and drugs. it makes me so sad to think there is families , parents, woman who are trying SO hard to have a child and they can’t. and so many people get pregnant and than raise their child in a horrible enviornment, get them taken away into foster care, like it makes my heart ache to think of all the parents who would give their child a beautiful life and give them their everything. :( i hope all of you women who are ttc get the child you have hoped and prayed for. it really breaks my heart