Pissed off


I’m so tired of how America is im sad to even be American for the simple fact my race is I guess Hispanic and because of that I get yelled at by someone of another race to call immigration on my ass because I’m Mexican I was born here never in my life have I ever been offended till that day I know I shouldn’t let it get to me but it does it bugs me seeing all these people who want All mexicans to go back to Mexico even if they where born here I see all these illegal immigrants working hard to support there families and then here comes ice scooping them up and sending them back even though they didn’t do anything wrong what happened to this country i normally don’t ever get bothered by stuff like that but I can’t stand seeing the way America is but I live here and the only thing I can do is to raise my kids to see past race to see a person for there personality not what they look like or the color of there skin