Relationship Issues


My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years and the last two have been HARD. I'm frustrated because we're not engaged and he made it clear that he doesn't want to get married any time soon. I'm 27 and told him when we first started dating that I want to have kids before I'm 30. He owns a business that is seasonal. He's too busy during the spring and depressed and broke during fall/winter. He's so focused on building his business that he has no interest in building a life and a family with me. I'm a nanny and I desperately want to be a mother. All this said, he's my best friend. I have bipolar disorder and he not only puts up with it but makes me feel better when I'm depressed or have anxiety. He forgives me when I do regrettable things during a manic episode. I just feel like me and my goals in life are being put on the back burner while he works toward his goals. On top of that, he's a grudge holder and resents me for "making" him rent a house together rather than living with our parents. I'm twenty fucking seven. I'm not going to live with my mommy after being on my own/with him for the last two years - we've had a hard time paying rent the last couple months but we've managed to do it. I'm afraid he's stringing me along and will never fully commit. I'm torn because, despite all this, he's a wonderful person and treats me so well. I feel like I'm being nit-picky. He's never cheated, never hit me, and he doesn't have any substance abuse problems. I still love him as much as I always have. I'd really like to go to couples counseling but we can't afford it right now. Advice? Thoughts?