WARNING ALL PARENTS!!!! Please read! Important!

SLEEPYHEAD UNSAFE!?!? Literally just read this online parents if you have these please read this article!!!!

It's not a sleepyhead in the picture it's a " Babymoov cosy dream " but they are all the same thing right!? And it shows all other ones! My 9 month old boy has a sleepyhead now I really don't want him sleeping in it so I'm going to get rid of it as it does the same thing ladies what's your opinions ?


Honesty we all as parents think " well as it's sold in a shop it's definitely safe.. well this is not the case at all! Please everyone be more aware of this stuff I for one know how much we want our baby's to sleep better thinking it's safe but we just don't know anymore 🙈 so I thought I would share this as it's made me take my son out of his sleepyhead tonight and for good.