Maternity pictures... advice please


Hi- FTM, 29 weeks. Been feeling super insecure about my pregnant body lately and I know I'm getting close to the time when I should be scheduling maternity photos. Although I don't always feel super beautiful, there are days where I appreciate my body and how it's growing this little baby! I know I will want to remember what this was like. But - on the other hand, every time I bring it up, my husband kind of rolls his eyes. I know he's not crazy about taking staged pictures (he sucked it up for engagement and wedding pics) but he looks SO terribly uninterested in taking pictures with me. I feel like I could really use the encouragement to get in front of the camera to remember this special time.... but all I'm getting from him are sighs and eye rolls. I don't think he realizes how discouraging it is - he's probably just thinking "ugh, I hate taking pictures". But it kinda feels like he's thinking, "who cares if we take pictures of this." The fact that he's not urging me to take them kind of makes me sad. Like, I'm still trying to get used to my body. It sure would help if he was like, "You're beautiful this way and you should totally get some pics made". That would make me feel awesome. Maybe I'm just being too emotional and needy? And I don't want to bug him about it because I know he'll just say whatever I want to hear to make me feel better, even if it's not how he really feels 😢 just feeling a little sad about it. 😔. And now im laughing to myself because he takes a pic of my belly once a week because he wants to do a time lapse thing. But in my mind, that doesn't count because I never have on makeup or pretty clothes 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just want the pretty damn pictures and I want for him to WANT to take them with me.