ER visit


So this week has just sucked I was diagnosed with a viral infection which obviously no one can do anything about, well on top of that my heart was racing and my right leg has been more swollen than the left. My doctor suggested me go in to the ER to make sure it wasn't a blood clot. Which could obviously be dangerous. Well at 20 years old and 35 weeks pregnant I'm freaking out because I'm sick with low grade fever and if I do have a blood clot I'd have to be put on blood thinners. Scary thought when your mother could never dilate and a csection could be in my future. Well, I get there and they run tests on my blood, they run tests on my heart, they did an ultrasound on my leg. Thank goodness no blood clots! But they are now sending me to a cardiologist because they picked up on a heart palpitation. Minor but they want me in there. I just feel so horrible, my poor husband seems so frustrated because at 20 he's having all these tests done to check what's wrong with him and then here I go and I'm starting the same process. I'm just happy my son is healthy and there are no blood clots.