
Maureen • Separated Momma of 3 Boys Roman 2019 & Ross 2021 & Ryan 2023

Hello ladies hopefully all of you are having a great day! However today for me was not sadly. My LMP was on August 21st my cycle is normally 33 days average like clockwork I took a pregnancy test last Thursday and that was my very first positive I was technically already late by a little less than a week as well this past Monday should be exactly 6 weeks from my. However when I went to the doctor for my first prenatal check-up he said my uterus was empty he told me to come back in 2 weeks which will be October 16th today I woke up with excruciating pain in my right pelvic area as well as extreme constipation which worried me very much so I ended up going to the emergency room where they had taken blood urine and ultrasound tests. Thankfully my blood and urine both came back positive however my blood was only reading 727 HCG which means that I I am only 3 to 4 weeks pregnant currently when I thought I was at least 6 - 7. Then they took the internal ultrasound and the radiologist at the hospital said I had either an ovarian cyst or I was experiencing and ectopic pregnancy. They were minutes away from transferring me to their sister hospital that has a GYN unit and that hospital called after they looked at my ultrasound pictures and stated that is not the pregnancy and her ovary that is 100% a cyst. So none the less I got diagnosed with a ginormous cyst in my right ovary as well as only being three to four weeks pregnant! I am overwhelmed because I was so worried but I am yet so thankful and so happy that everything is okay with the baby and the pregnancy is going well the only thing that sucks right now is this excruciating pain from this ovarian cyst has anyone else ever experienced anything like this when I called my primary OBGYN he said most first trimester pregnancies have ovarian cysts