would you be mad ?


okay so I'm buying a house out right because I recently got a life insurance inheritance. I'm 18 and 36 weeks pregnant so I need to buy a house for my baby and I. I found a house I want and my mom went with me to talk to the realtor and we gave them her phone number to get in touch with us because I don't have service at the moment. so long story short, the house costs $46,500, but my mom told me they wanted $47,000. and today we were supposed to go sign papers saying I would buy the house and I found out that they only want 46500 and I asked my mom about it and she said that I need to just give her the 500 because she needed to be paid for her time and she needs to pay bills. this mad me angry cause I feel like my own mom tried to go behind my back and get money from me. am I in the wrong? would you be mad?

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