How long between water breaking and labour?

C 🖤
Hi all. 
My waters broke about 16 hours ago and have been leaking ever since. I've had some slight cramping but nothing much at all, especially for the last few hours. 
How long roughly should I expect before contractions start? 
I'm only 32w currently so am being kept overnight but if there aren't any changes by tomorrow will I be allowed to go home and wait it out there? Or will they keep me in induce me as the waters have already broken?
I'm not getting any answers here and am just being told that labour could start any time now, or it could hold off for a while- there's no way of knowing. I know that's true but I just don't know what to expect at all. I'm totally unprepared for labour and have no idea what I'm doing. I always said I didn't want a birth plan as I know it never goes the way you want but this wasn't what I meant! 😩