I’m white and raging

Someone I work closely with is so racist and it’s pissing me off. (We work in a school)

She’s constantly making comments about the black staff. “That ghetto one said...” and “You know why they are like that.” In reference to work ethic. She even called one of my 5 year old students “ghetto”. She can tell I’m annoyed and strongly disagree but continues the comments saying, “You won’t like what I’m going to say but...”

She’s said how she’s had a hard life too and “that’s no excuse”. I’m raging.

I’m disgusted that she has those opinions and language, but especially in a school.

She does not shut up. I could say more offensive things she says about other topics but this one makes me the most angry and uncomfortable.

Update: Thank you for telling me like it is and holding a mirror to me. I needed some real encouragement to stand up for what I believe in. I will update next week with results of HR/admin and my own standing up to her.