Upper abdomen pain/burning sensation

For about 2 or so months I've had this sensation in my upper abdomen on the left side that literally feels like it's being ripped a part . It's more of a burning sensation and when I lean back too much or move the wrong way it hurts so bad . The best way that I can kind of describe it is if you worked your abs out a lot and they hurt really bad . It's only on one side , though . I've mentioned it to my Dr at several visits and he just keeps saying that once things even out , it may go away but there is nothing that I can really do about it . I really don't see it going away and it's constant all day every day. It feels better when I lay down versus sitting . I sit in an office all day and that's when it hurts the worst. I read on an online forum about other moms having the same issue . It's not acid reflux ...i have had acid reflux and it's nothing like that . It's basically a ripping/burning feeling . It's also a little tender to the touch. Has anyone here every experienced that ?

I am 7 months pregnant !