I'm so confused

Hello everyone .. I need a sincere advice!

I met a guy last year and we exchanged contacts . We did not speak to each other until after 6 months .

This guy kept sending me Bc on WhatsApp and I'll not reply him, although, I didn't saved his nos ..

Early this year , he sent me Bc again and I asked who are u pls ? He called my name n told me to delete his nos if I don't know him , and I called him to know who he was , and I recall we have met before and we both agreed if we could meet again .

We finally met again and we got taking . I asked him how old his he ? He said I should guess, I told him he should be around 30/32, and he smiles! He said his 42 and he has 4 kids . The 1st son is 12 while the last one is 5.

I had already fell in love with this guy. Immediately he told me his married I stepped down . But this guy loves me so much . He told me he would like to marry me because I am a caring lady that I took care of him , always there for him . He said so many good things about me .

He has never spoken bad about the wife , he always said to me that the wife is a good woman . But what's lacking in their married .. I filled the vacuum! That the wife left him, she abandoned him and he needs to be taken care of .

The point is , I can't do without this guy now , I mean both of us can't do without each other . I'm scared cuz I can't say this or anyone , I don't want anyone to discourage me about my relationship with him . I kept it to myself .

I begged him to allow me to find a single guy so I can settle down , and he has spoken well about his wife , I told him his wife does not deserve to see him having a second wife , that if I were the wife , I'll fight back .

I truly love this guy and I'm afraid of loving someone else cuz I don't want to marry someone and my mind will be somewhere else .

I'll surely appreciate any good advice.!