Fiancé & his family want a traditional Japanese wedding but I don’t 😭😬 (Monster - In - Law)

小玉 🐰🥀 • english isn’t my first language. / 21. / engaged.

I’m not Japanese. But my fiancé is. Him and his family really want him and I to have our wedding back in Japan, and they really want to do a traditional Shinto-style wedding...

I feel a bit uncomfortable with this not being Japanese or Shinto. And my family has mentioned that I should have a traditional Chinese-Buddhist style wedding, though they aren’t as adamant about it as his family. I’m not sure what to do? I feel it would be wrong for me to partake in a wedding ceremony and in traditions not apart of my culture or religion. I have no problem having the wedding itself, in Japan, or even back in Hong Kong where my parents live or right here in California where my fiancé and I live now.

I’m not sure what to do? Would it even be okay for me to be apart of a traditional Japanese wedding if I’m not from that culture? I feel it would be strange, though him and his parents obviously don’t mind at all. I feel stuck on what to do. I know my parents wouldn’t really care whatever sort of wedding we did, American-style, traditional Chinese Buddhist, or Japanese-Shinto style, but I don’t know, it just feels weird to me and I’d feel like an imposter I guess, or just weirdly out of place 😭

Any ideas on what I should do? I have tried to sort of hint this to my husband but it’s really his mother I’d have to talk to as she’s pretty much doing all the wedding stuff and he does whatever she wants/says 😬

Edit: More about his mother...well she never wanted us to marry or date since I’m not Japanese, his parents are very conservative and traditionalist, so I feel like I’d be pushing too many boundaries and buttons if I tried to say no to the wedding they’ve always dreamed for their son, being Chinese has already caused a lot of drama with his mother and family and things have just finally started to calm down, so I’m a bit scared to bring this up to her.