She's finally here 😍


I've truly enjoyed this app & all you ladies 😘 finally get to share my own birth story

Baby #3

3 am woke up with mild contractions, counted them, tried to get some rest. 5 am up again took a shower & walked around my house for a little to help progress everything. By 730 am they slowed, I drove to the hospital but walked around the outside of the hospital until 9, went up to see my dr for an exam when the office opened- I was 2 cm 50% effaced.

Went to L&D; checked again at 11 I was 3, got my epidural @ 1230 🙏🏼 checked again at 1 & 8cm

This beauty was born at 2:12 with 2 and a half pushes ❤️❤️


7.14 oz

20 1/2 inches