My Big Boy


My baby born was born on Dec 30, 2015 at 12:12 AM . He was a big 10 lb 23in baby boy. My husband and I had an accident on the 14th of December and everything seemed to be okay but then on my last check up which was on the 25th the doctor told me that they were some abnormalities going on so she requested for me to be induced on the 28th at 7 a.m. they put me on Pitocin and 8 a.m. but after 12 hours on the medication nothing happened I had not dilated at all so they decided to take me off the medicine for the rest of the night and start again in the morning next morning around 6 they put the medication back on at 8 I was already 3 cm dilated so then they waited for another couple hours around 12 p.m. they check me again I was around 6cm the doctor decided to break my water and then for some reason started to get a panic attack so the doctor decided to put me on epidural because the pains are getting too much and with the panic attacks I was losing a lot of strength. unfortunately because I have scoliosis the medication only worked for about an hour and then I was feeling the pains again so around 8 I started pushing so then I pushed for 3 hours then at 11 at night they decided that it was time for a C-section because he would not come out then around 11:30 they have to put me completely under because I could feel all the poking then I woke up around 3 in the morning apparently there were some complications with

my baby he wasn't breathing when they pulled him out so he was in an incubator for a couple hours they took me to my room and I didn't see him until 8 that morning. thank God after all of that my baby boy was okay he a beautiful big boy and he is now about to turn two in two months.