IPL Hair removal and pregnancy


Unfortunately for the past two years I've been having to have IPL done on my face because I pretty much have a beard. I'm not talking about a few whiskers here and there, I'm talking full on beard.

Pale European skin and thick black hair.

I have had multiple tests done and my hormones are fine, no PCOS or any other causes, its literally just my genetics.

SO. IPL was the ONLY thing keeping it manageable. Still grew back every month but it did fall out and kept the roots thin. It also gave me a fortnights break from shaving.

Now that I'm pregnant (11 weeks) I've been refused treatment because of the total lack of study on the topic..

my face is now raw and spotty from shaving daily, I even resorted to waxing and the hair has grown back only a week later super thick and painful. Shaving is useless anyway, you can still see the black spots from the roots.

I'm at a total loss at what to do.

I was thinking of buying a home IPL machine as they're weaker but I don't want to take any risks. But I feel humiliated leaving the house!

I don't understand how it could be harmful, it doesn't penetrate any further than the first layer of skin. :(

Surely I'm not the only one to have gone through this, what has everyone else done?