My 1 year old is a fighter 🥊

Ale • Mommy to an angel 💙👼🏽 💜and our rainbow baby Audrey Leah 👶🏽💗 baby boy 👶🏽 💙

My daughter is 1 and is constantly fighting with her aunt. She grabs and pulls her hair punches in the face scratches and is now biting. It's embarrassing to see this happening and not know what to do. My sister says that she is a baby and doesn't know what she's doing so to not scream at her and that it's ok but I need this to stop now because it's too much. Being a FTM I don't know how to handle this and was hoping that I can get some advice on this situation. (I did not teach her to fight if she is doing it in front of me I do ask my sister to put her down and I tell my daughter to stop and all she does is cry and keep hitting) what do I do!!!? 😭😩