DockATot, Boppy Lounger and Fisher Price Sleeper


Hi ladies. We received the DockATot Deluxe as a baby shower gift from my aunt, the Boppy Baby Lounger as a gift from my Sorority Sister, and the Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper as a gift from my husband's cousin. Are these great products? The DockATot looks like it will be useful for when our daughter goes to sleep during the day. Instead of me taking her upstairs to put her in her Halo or her crib, I can simply lay her in the DockATot. I have read a lot of great reviews on the Boppy Baby Lounger. Most people love this product. I think it will come in handy, especially when she's still a little young. The Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper looks like a very soothing item for babies. We plan to use this for daytime naps also. It may also be useful to sit in our kitchen (away from stove of course) so I can kind of keep an eye on her when I'm cooking or something like that. I just want to hear you ladies' experiences with these products. I know what works for one baby may not work for all babies. I simply just want to hear you all's experiences with these products.