Random ass story time😂😂


My boyfriend was horny the other day and he laid in my lap and cuddled me and was using a whiny voice but it waa adorable and it wasnt one of those dumb girly voices, and while we were here in south korea with his family he taught me some korean. so he sat up and said " sunmi(me), if you get these phrases wrong, can i have whatever i want for dinner?" ( i think u know where this shit is going by the word "dinner"😂)

and i said " sure, not like you're gonna have something i hate to eat anyways" and he smirked a little and sighed and i got the one wrong and he told me the last one was " can you sit on my face" and i was like " oh ok, i dont know why I'd need to know how to say that" and he kinda pouted a little and rolled his eyes ( dont fucking roll your eyes bitch😂) and said ", can i have what i want now?" and i said yes and he smiled and took me to the room his parents let me and him stay in and he ate me out.

And his parents came home and we were done and laying down ( we put clothes on after) and his mom walked in the room and saw his bed was like "honey how come you keep washing your sheets? sunmi isnt a clean freak, neither are you and us, did you spill something?" and i put my head in a pillow and died and he said

" yea... i was eating and some spilled"

and im dead as fuck