Haven't announced pregnancy yet

Kim • Married in august, pregnant in September ❤️ First time mommy and can't wait! Dental hygienist baking a little GIRL! 🤰🏼

We haven't announced we are pregnant since I'm only 4 weeks so I just have to brag here for a minute! I've been sick with a cold the last few days and my hubby has taken amazing care of me. I was craving McDonald's fries the other day and he left immediately to get some, and roses! Just now, 8:35pm I said I'm hungry and want a snack. I haven't eaten much other than soup so I wanted fries again😂 he left to get me fries and a frosty from Wendy's. Such a good hubby. It's weird too because I normally hardly ever eat fast food. Once every few months if that.