Really bad restless arm 😒

Samantha β€’ 26, Married Roman Edwin Lee Buckhannon πŸ˜πŸ’™ Riley Julia Faye Buckhannon πŸ˜πŸ’œ

I’m 16wks 3days & I have restless leg, in my arm! Starts from my elbow & goes down into my knuckles. It burns so bad & feels a bit better when I do nothing with it. When I use it or move it around it flares up so bad & when I make a fist, feels tight. It feels silly to make a Dr. trip for this, but I’m in so much pain, I might consider it. I’ve had it since I woke up at 7:30am. Have taken two naps & wake up from the pain. Is this normal? What do you do for the pain?