Would you be scared if a guy with an axe...

Ali • 27 years young. 4th Grade Teacher 🍎📚🖍

For Halloween my boyfriend and I are going as a lumberjack and a fox, woodland themed. We're going to a house Halloween party and lumberjacks obviously carry around axes. He wants to carry around a real axe! Lmao which I honestly don't care if he wants too but I was wondering from an outsiders perspective do you find that odd or scary? It's for Halloween so I wouldn't think it would upset the hosts but we don't know the hosts. We're going with mutual friends. What would you think if a guy dressed up innocently enough as a lumberjack but with a real axe to your house party? He clearly would never really hurt anyone, he just wants to go all out for his costume. What would you ladies think?

Sorry if I am in the wrong group, let me know if I am or if there's another group I could put this in because idk if it's that controversial but it's not about periods, sex, or relationships.. lol