TTC baby #2 put on hold


I have a son who is 15 months old and me and fiance decided that we were gonna try for baby #2 a little over a month ago. this past week he just told me what his 5 year plan was and none of it involved having another baby. now I'm the "breadwinner" of my family. I'm the one working 40-45 hours a week to put food on the table and ect. Last week I felt great! I just had this funny feeling that I was pregnant. Actually kinda convinced myself I was pregnant because I normally start feeling cramping a week before AF shows up. I honestly am ready to have another baby. I want to have another baby. this last month we have been having some crazy good sex and even after a couple times we both looked at each other and was like yep that was it. That right there just got you pregnant. Lol but last night before bed I started having these real bad cramps and this morning I woke up at 5 ran to the bathroom to find out I started my period. 😔 For some reason I was telling myself I was pregnant these past couple of weeks so to wake up with blood in my underwear got me really depressed. I guess it just wasn't my time right now. my fiance wants me to get a better paying job so we can afford to buy a house in 5 years. but I don't want to wait that long for another baby. but with my luck I'll find a new job and then get pregnant soon after. Which is what happened with the place I'm at now. we had to go a month without a paycheck and that put us behind on bills that we now just got caught up on them. sorry for the long post. just needed to let it out.