Next Step?

I’ve read through what seems like hundreds of posts from women TTC and have yet to come across one with a journey similar to mine, and I’m in desperate search of advice. We were not trying but not preventing for a year, then actively tried for 8 months with positive OPKs, to narrow down my most fertile days. 4 months ago we decided to consult an RE and discovered I have low AMH, .9 ng/ml, and DH has low sperm morphology, 2%. I’m 34, never been pregnant, with no known health issues and regular 26-28 day cycles. On a positive note, the HSG revealed my tubes are open. I just had my third <a href="">IUI</a> procedure on October 4th. Prescribed Clomid 50ml all 3 times to take on CD 3-7, and an ovadrel shot on CD 13 after CD 10 ultrasound revealed 2-3 mature follicles ranging 16-18mm. <a href="">IUI</a> procedure has been scheduled 24-48 hours after the trigger shot. I am taking a coQ10 supplement along with prenatal vitamins. I’m wondering what’s next for us if this <a href="">IUI</a> fails like the other two. What were your next steps that led to a pregnancy?

Update 11/14

Just completed our 4th round of medicated <a href="">IUI</a>. This time with femera/gonal-f/ovidrel/progesterone. Today is CD 27 and my pregnancy test was negative. I will stop taking progesterone, wait for my period to start then on to <a href="">IUI</a> #5. I would still love to learn from women with the same fertility challenges as I’m facing.