He made me take down my LGBT papers


So recently I put up LGBT papers (2) one for bisexual one for gay and 2 days later my dad tells me to clean my room, once I tell him that I'm done, he forces me to take down my LGBT papers. Obviously this gets me super angry because I'm short tempered and he knows his, he starts reminding me how old I am and telling me that I apparently am not "old enough" to be putting that stuff up on my wall. A couple months ago I showed him a few LGBT videos about people coming out to their family members and then he says "it's weird". Then, 2 months ago I came out to my dad and he was fine with it until he says "well, Mackenna, you've never had any sexual contact with any gender, so how would you know that you're bisexual?" And I'm just think in my head "I don't have to be in any "sexual contact with any gender" I could be ATTRACTED to the gender" and the I just started crying.