Indecisive. To have more or not?

Mrs. • Momma to 3 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014👼🏼, 2016👧🏼, 2018👧🏼, 2020👼🏼, 2022👧🏼, 2025🤰🏻

I have absolutely no clue what I want to do in life. I am a 22 year old stay at home mom with a 15 month old little girl. I never had much of a child hood my self as I was busy raising my little brother until I was 15 when I moved out on my own (got out of an abusive household).

Part of me wants to have another 2 kids but there's another part of me that only wants to have the 1.

I'm expecting to have a Breast Reduction Surgery within the next 5 months so I wouldn't be able to have another baby for at least another 1.5 years. And I'd also like to travel and pursue my music as I love to sing, play guitar and just perform.

Yes I understand it's up to me whether I decide to have more but I just need someone to help shed some light on what I should do.

I also deal with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and the doctor expects me to get Endometriosis in the next few years as it's hereditary

P.S. Thanks for the advice!