squirrels interrupting my sleep 😂

emma • musician & mua

So basically my house is directly in the middle of two trees. It makes a perfect line. About a week ago, I was laying in bed staring at my ceiling and I swear it sounded like somebody fell on my roof😂 I walked outside cause I was thinking “ummm who done Kim Possible dropped down on my roof” and I am NOT EVEN JOKING.. but there was LITERALLY at LEAST 10 squirrels on my roof stampeding back and forth. So it’s happening again right now and I swear I have a damn squirrel freeway on my roof. I’m pretty sure the damn fluffy rats are doing somersaults or pole vaulting or something because I didn’t think squirrels could be THIS FAT and make THIS MUCH NOISE. I wanted to sleep in but there goes my plans...