Had to vent on why feminism is important


Holy shit you guys, this bitch on the internet just now, u don't even know her ok? Apparently she knows my man and has for years... which like I don't care, there's siemrhung about women in this area saying shit to try to piss you off, I do have an issue with her calling my boyfriend some pet name tho... anywho, she made a comment in how feminism is just a dumb comment. Because of the girls being allowed in Boy Scouts, which I lersinally don't agree with at all but it is what it is, out of our hands. Back to the topic at hand... somehow in my explination of why we need feminism, you know health care, birth control, all that my friend who posted this whole debocale of an issue(a man) tells me my arguments are invalid. I'm extremely tired and getting pissed off that this mother fucker won't even try to see my POV. When this bitch steps in, points out she knows my man, and then talks to me like a child, and like so many men, blame my attitued on PMS, and tells me to have a good night... what the fucking fuck?! Pretty sure she's the type of ho to rattle on me too... like that's supposed to piss my boyfriend off, he knows how I get with certain issues still stands by me. Anywho this entire thing to me points out WHY feminism is sooo needed in this country.