Could it be twins??


So this is going to sound super crazy I may just be reading too much into my symptoms but I am about 8 weeks pregnant (haven’t gone to the dr due to insurance problems) so this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have 2 healthy girls and don’t recall anything like this happening so soon. So I would like to know from any twin moms out there could I be having twins? My stomach is starting to get hard (and I know the baby is still so small don’t see why this could be happening) and it already hurts to sleep on my stomach. Which is the only way I could sleep. And there is a possibility of twins since my father-in-law is a twin so my husband carries the gene.

Could this just be me hoping for twins or could it really be it? I know the only way to know is to see a dr but just curious to hear what other moms went though.