how many hours of sleep at night


how many hours of sleep does your little one get? Mine sleep through the night but only sleep 9 to 10 hrs, closer to 9 hrs. they still get 2 naps but the afternoon nap is 30 to 45 mins long are up around 330. They go to bed at 730 and get up anywhere between 4 and 5 am. sometimes I can get them to sleep longer but on me not in their crib. We have put them to bed close to 8 a few times but they get up at the same time. my husband gets up for work between 5 and 530 so we go to bed shortly after they do. When I worked I got up early also. since birth our son has been waking up at 430am more times than not. For awhile they were good about sleeping till 530 or later but not the last few months. Our daughter is off of bottles and our son still gets a bedtime bottle of milk.