Lord give me strength! 😡


Actually give me patience because if you give me strength I’m going to need some bail money with it!

All my in laws have been a problem since the day I met my husband. They have used him for money for years and when I stepped in and cut them off they threw a fit.

We now live an hour and a half away but they still think they’re in control. My MIL called my husband today and told him I’m using him for money and either he needs to control his checkbook or she will for him.

Um, excuse me bitch, first of all my husband is a 21 year old grown man and secondly my husband didn’t even have a job when we met. I got him the job where he works now. She starts telling him how we need to pay his grandparents back $350 (we’ve already paid $150) when she owes them $1000 and hasn’t paid a dime! Every time we have extra money to pay them something always happens or something breaks and we have to use the money. I’m a housewife and he has a very good job but I handle all the bills just because I’m better at them but she claims I’m wasting all his money. She wants him to give her his checkbook and his bank account info so she can control the bills. Hell no! She does this with all his sisters and his aunt and she’s always taking money from them. Also she has filed for bankruptcy and is past due by 3 months on all her bills. She keeps telling him we better be grateful for all she’s done for us but there’s nothing she’s done. In the year and a half we’ve been together we got a truck, a house, he got a job and has got multiple promotions, and we have control of our finances. We done this all on our own without her help. I told my husband after today they are cut out of our lives because I’ve had enough!