Spent all day in the hospital and doc office...


26 weeks tomorrow and was having a ton of cramping and back pain. Waited overnight, did all the things they tell you to do before going in, didn’t work. So here’s the end result of my day at the hospital and doctors office:

-Short and soft cervix

-Yeast infection (asymptotic)

-BV (asymptotic)

-Lots of fluid around baby

-Baby is super low

-Bed rest (I’m due Jan 24 and will be off work and on bedrest until then)

-Pelvic rest

-Doc visits every two weeks to do the fetal fibonectrin test thing to see if I’m at risk of going into labor within two weeks

-NST on baby every 3-4 days at the hospital

-ultrasound with high risk doctor to check the fluids

-Glucose test this week

-steroid shots for baby’s lungs

-try to make it to 32 weeks without going into labor
