already planning on baby #4 😂

Selina • ♡ Wife to My Superman♡ Mother of 4 babies ♡ Lost My Dad 02.04.19 💐 ♡ 3 babies in heaven.

lmfao I'm still preggers with baby #3 and hubby has been talking about the next baby for a few weeks now 😍 he says he is Hoping for twin boys and i am over the moon 😍 he wants me to be on birth control for at least 5 years (he wants the nexaplonin or IUD) so I don't have to worry about missing my pill or accidently getting preggers to quick because he wants try for our baby not be surprised unless it's a positive from trying 😂😍 I'm so lost on how and why he is deciding this when usually he says no more 😂 maybe because it's his 2nd girl and only has one boy or because all of our pregnancies have been unexpected blessings 😂 I'm excited tho!!