am i wrong here? am i supposed to apologized?

my husband called me from his lunch break, we both were talking about my lil bros. while i was talking to him, i said "them" and he didnt know specifically who i was talking about. he started yelling at me, calling me fucking dumb, fuckin stupid. telling me idk how to fucking talk and explain shit. i just stayed silent and listen to him rant. he started telling me that i make him pissed, i ruined it. and i just told him to forget it. he changed the subject, but still talking in a mad voice. i was upset about how he ranted me, so i didnt know what to say to him. he hung up on me cause i dont have anything else to say to him after all. and he acts like im the wrong one here cause idk how to talk. do i have to apologize to him, make it up or some shit? i dont feel like i want to because of how disrespectful he is to me, he shouldve just ask me who i was talking about instead of automatically yell and put me down.