he called me on the phone just to call me chubby


This happened an hour ago so I am still a little heated and need to rant. So I was sleeping and my boyfriend called me, nothing new, I was expecting him to be all excited like a puppy because thats just how he is. He says the line "we need to talk" so i instantly wake up to see what was wrong. The boy, im not going to call him a man even though he is 20, this boy has the nerve to call his girlfriend at night just to say " Jackie, Youre getting a little chubby." I managed stay calm until he tells me "my mom and I were talking and she said how i lost 10 pounds for you and you didnt do anything for me." Thats when i got pissed off.  First, I didnt make you lose weight, I never told you to and the way you did it was extremely unhealthy and it was all water weight, I loved the cuddles I got and your belly was never that big. Second, go fuck yourself, ive been 145 pounds since junior year because of reasons i will explain later. Third, you just bought me a whole bag of rolls for no reason and when you did drop off the bread i was trying on my Halloween costume which now i feel like i should return. The reason why i am extremely pissed off at him is because I have told him about how my sisters and mom would call me fat in the beginning of highschool and i would throw up and starve myself until i stopped and then i just started sxercising all of the time, because of that, I lost almost 20 pounds by my junior year of highschool. I have had the worst self confidence of my body because of them and you have the nerve to tell me in that manner. That was a big middle finger to me and ive been crying and feeling like im n

ot good enough. I felt really cute in that costume and ill update with pictures later but now im probably going to return it and get another costume fro my halloween party. If im not allowed to call him an asshole because of some experience in the pass he could at least respect me the same way. Edit: we broke up last night