Open cervix...


I had my 20 week anatomy scan 4 weeks ago and was told I had a short cervix and that it was also opened. I was put in bed rest for two weeks and then I went to a specialist for my 22 week UltraSound. The tech found that my cervix was even more open and they talked about a cerclage but decided that it would be too risky and my water could break and I could go into labor so I was placed in progesterones. I go in for my 24 weeks ultra sound this Friday and my cervix is now completely open.

There literally is nothing left separating my baby boy from this world.

I'm scared to be honest I know God hasn't brought us this far to leave us but being admitted to the hospital because of a possible chance of a preterm labor is scary. I have cried so much for this baby and I don't won't anything to happen to him. So bed rest it is for the next 15 weeks. The love I have for my baby is so huge I would do anything for him even if it scares me.

I just don't want to fail my boy I just want him to stay in as long as possible.