How DO So Many Females Get BFPs As Early as 8DPO? What HPT Are They USING??

I am of the understanding that most of the HPTs that boast 99% accuracy have fine print that state that this applies only beginning to the day after missing AF's monthly visit.

Fertilty Friend states that the average day of implantation is on 9DPO, and I know there is a range of days from 5DPO - 14DPO when it can occur, although 7-10DPO are the more common ones.

After THAT, I thought that hCG and H-hCG are only detectable after they have been produced in quantities above 25 mIU, which is standard for even the "Early Results Tests," and NOT all HPTs test for both variants of the pregnancy hormone (both hCG AND H-hCG). FRER is renown for testing for both at equal levels, the non-digital one at 25 mIU, and the digital one at 18 mIU. Only the Internet cheapies advertise to test for as low as 10 mIU.

So if implantation is on average occuring on 9DPO, then the earliest that a test can detect 25 mIU of hCG or H-hCG should be about 2-3 days later, or 11DPO or12DPO.

Fertility Friend also states that the average first false negative HPT result is on 10DPO, and the average first true positive result appears on 13.5DPO! Yet when I look thru their charts, I keep seeing charts that show HPTs (not blood tests, which test as low as 5 mIU hCG) reporting BFP as early as 7-8DPO!! This seems unbelievably early to me. Most people are still implanting at that time!!

Just WHAT are these women using that gets them to detect a BFP so darn early??? I would love to know and find out, because of course, no woman who has been TTC#1 for over a year aggressively wants to wait the full TWW to find out a BFP or sadly, a BFN...

I read that using a Saliva Microscope and seeing Full Ferning beginning again between 5-7DPO is "usually" an early sign of pregnancy, due to implantation triggering another rise in estrogen and progesterone both. I experienced such a thing for the first time this cycle, and I thought wow, this is a good start, right?

But I went out and got a bunch of WalMart generic brand 88cent cartridge tests. I began testing at a day I always considered way too early to get any result, on9DPO, in the evening. Today is 10DPO, and I was hoping to see some faint line by now, if my pregnancy is true. But NO.

I checked but could not find how sensitive this test is, but it is the one with purple plastic behind a white plastic centerpiece with a slot for the results to appear. I am trying for the life of me to recall the brand name now that I am out and about at the library. First Signal? That sounds correct... but anyway, does anyone know the sensitivity for this?

I doubt that it tests for both variations of the pg hormone. Not many tests actually do, according toConsumer Reports, which names FRER Digital as the#1 HPT. I don't know how different the Dollar Tree HPTs are, or the 99c Only Store ones are (they have 2 types there), but I know the Dollar Tree advertises 25 mIU, which is the same as Early Result ones, so despite it saying that it should be used on the day of the missed period, it appears a lot of people are using these tests way earlier and getting results!

Because for a person with a 14 day LP, then AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) is due on 15DPO, so technically, the day of the missed period is on 16DPO. I read that if your temperature stays high and sustained for 18 days or longer, you most likely are pregnant.

I have even read where some people know people or have relatives who did not get positives until monthsinto pregnancy, and I have heard some that required a blood test for it to even appear positive, with those females, despite being few, saying that they always have required a blood test to confirm pregnancy and POAS (pee on a stick (i.e. pregnancy test)) or dipsticks in urine fail them always due to some condition. What condition is that? How does one know that she has it?

Okay, now my original question -- what are these tests where the women are getting results so early on? I want in on whatever brand they are!!

If they are all Internet cheapies testing for 10 mIU, that would make sense, but for the ones available OTC in most drug stores, I would surely want to know what one to buy, bc FRER and CBE brands both seem similar but don't boast lower than 25 mIU. Anyone know where to direct me?
