Baby fever


We weren't really trying to get pregnant but we had unprotected sex right around the time i was supposed to ovulat according to me <a href="">period tracker</a>. My period was late and I had "spotting" and what not so I took a test and Bfn. A few days later I started my period 4 days late. When I told my fiance that I might be pregnant he was so happy his attitude completely changed from being down and moody to just happy. I didn't think I was ready to have a baby being that I'm currently finishing up nursing school and only 25 and still haven't committed to a wedding date. but now I'm so ready for a baby. I never thought I would be so disappointed for a negative pregnancy tets. So now we are going to start actively trying. We haven't told our families just keeping it between us because we don't want to get anyone excited for nothing.

Have any of you felt this way before? Not wanting a baby to wanting one after a pregnancy scare?

Any advice you give me?