A mothers nightmare...

Karina • Kenzley Rasha 👩‍👧♥️ Anencephaly awareness 👼🏻💚

Oct. 18 I went for my high risk ultrasound since the first dr couldn't confirm what was wrong with my baby's head ... turns out my child pretty much has Anencephaly and if you don't know what that is , it's pretty much a neural tube defect "is a serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull." Not only did my world come crashing down at that moment but I couldn't feel my body ... a baby I planned will never make it into this world . Since I'm only 10weeks I have choices ... I either get the child terminated or I go full term induction at 39 weeks although labor will be very difficult. Baby will only has about a good 24hrs or maybe less or maybe more who knows . It's been a hard decision but I've decided to just get it terminated .. I'm super against this but I don't wanna suffer more than I actually am and I don't wanna make this baby suffer throughout birth either . Many will say I'm wrong and others will support but I wanted this baby oh so bad! And god had other plans everything has its reasons ... bless my little baby