My birth story


I will make it as short as I can. I was scheduled to be induced this morning at 3:30, but I went into labor on my own around 10. Went to the hospital around 11:30. I got here and was at a 3 and 80% effaced. After about 4 hrs into my labor I caved for the epidural, which was pretty scary. It made my blood pressure drop and gave me the shakes I couldn’t control them. But after a while it took away the pain and I felt better. When I got to a 5 she broke my water, which was the weirdest feeling ever and there was meconium in it. When I got to a 9 the epidural stopped working for me, and I felt the pressure (literally) it made me poop it was kind of embarrassing but whatever. It took him a while to get his head engaged. I started pushing and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. They had to use a vacuum to assist him out. They also cut me. I was about to give up but after about 10 minutes of pushing he came out 7 lbs 2 oz 20 inches long and immediately cried. Let me tell yall, I praise you women who pushed for hours. I thought I was going to die. I had to have a lot of stitches but he is PERFECT.

Was in labor for 12 hours.