Looking for some encouragement!💕


Hi ladies! I am getting induced on Saturday morning and have felt fine all week but it JUST NOW HIT ME. I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day before this baby comes. Granted, I know labor can take a long time with being induced but I still can't wrap my head around it! It'll be the last day with my baby bump, the last day of feeling my little mans kicks, and the last time it'll be just my hubby and I together! Of course this is the most exciting time of our lives. We were so blessed to get pregnant so quickly after starting to try to conceive but I feel like I'm freaking out now! Trying to understand WHY I'm getting so nervous! I have complained SO much about how long this pregnancy has dragged on and now here we are... it feels like yesterday when we found out. I'm over here crying, snuggling my dogs and overwhelmed with feelings.

Just looking for any words of encouragement from you ladies, no matter if you've given birth yet or not! I just can't believe I'll be meeting my baby boy so soon!💙 😭