Need advice !!

I'm having a really hard time with my boyfriends mom . We currently live with her . She seems to think she is the mother of the baby . Just the things she says . Giving me rules for my own unborn child . I'm really aggrivated and annoyed . Anybody going or been through this or have any suggestions ? She told me I wasn't allowed to have a c-section . She also made it clear she will be taking time off of work to be with the baby , and the baby cannot leave without her when we go visit other family members . . I understand she's excited but I don't know how to handle it or tell her to back off alittle . She won't listen to my boyfriend when he tells her to back off . I want to make it VERY clear I DO NOT want her in the room when delivering baby or even when I go into labor but I don't know how she won't take what I say serious . Am I being overdramatic ? Or is this wrong.