Finally ending a stupid situation

So, for a long time I've had this "fuck buddy" but he was also who I lost my virginity to. I trusted him and we had chemistry, but some thing happened and we stopped talking. He then hit me up randomly months later and I stupidly decide to have sex with him again, this happens a couple more times, and ultimately I begin blowing him off because I wasn't that into it any more. Recently he messaged me, I responded and the he just left my hanging. Whatever, fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ a few weeks later he messaged me again, and I just ignore him. But for some reason I decide to check out his profile to see what he's been up to. Turns out he's been seeing this girl, they weren't Facebook official but They were posting cutesy things. Mind you, him and I only ever messged each other to have sex, like that's it. So all I can conclude is that he as trying to get with me while having an emotional relationship with someone else. I've always told him that we could only ever have sex of we were both totally free. So after a year of having really mixed feelings towards him and letting our situation confuse me and hurt my own feelings, I unfriended him, and am going to move on and focus on me and only have healthy relationships. I feel so dumb for letting it go on for so long, but I feel better now that I've made a firm decision.